
The latest information on canyoning and the Sierra de Guara, welcome to our blog.

Focus on friends : KINDABREAK

10 July 2024

They came to see us in the canyons of Sierra de Guara 4 years ago and delighted us with their enthusiasm and energy. If you want good deals in the Basque country, it’s here: KINDABREAK.

Let’s go for summer 2024 in Sierra de Guara!

6 July 2024

July has started off with a bang and all the lights are green:

– The weather is with us: lots of sunshine!

– Water levels are excellent,

– Few people in the canyons,

– the team of Sens de l’Eau instructors is in great shape!


See you soon in the canyons of Sierra de Guara!

The first newsletter Le Sens de l’Eau

20 June 2024

News from the coming season, Portfolio of 2024 guides and good tips for discovering the landscapes of Sierra de Guara: here is the information that we distilled in our first newsletter!!!!

Do not hesitate to ask us to SUBSCRIBE..

Photo report: the Fornocal, a rare canyon!

29 May 2024

Conte Goutte, a video for a look to the nature

2 May 2024

Conte-Goutte is a poetic and aquatic montage across the landscape of the Sierra de Guara. It’s the story of a drop and a man, both in love with a desire to escape and take their own path.

Spring arrives in Sierra de Guara…

2 May 2024

We offer you a peaceful little window into the nature of the Guara canyons…

See you soon !

The Sens de l’Eau guide team

New Youtube channel @lesensdeleau!

12 April 2024

Discover (or re-discover) our video montages on canyoning & the Sierra de Guara:

Opening of the canyoning season on April 20, 2024!

8 April 2024

Water in abundance in the canyons of Sierra de Guara!

8 April 2024

The last heavy rains in Aragon have filled the canyons of the Sierra de Guara: we are therefore going to have a very aquatic start to the season! But above all, we are happy to find nature bubbling with life and the brilliant colors of spring.

Long live water!

A unique & natural gift: a day of canyoning

21 December 2023

Are you still looking for a gift? No worries, we can help you offer a promise of adventure, an air of freedom, a return to your roots. Canyoning in the Sierra de Guara with the team of Sens de l’Eau instructors is a meaningful gift!

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us!

End of a (superb) season for the Sens de l’Eau team

26 September 2023

Thanks all the guides of Le Sens de l’Eau : Michelle – Mathieu – Ben – Mica – Julien –  Léocadie – Pauline – Max – Sam – Étienne – Pablo

More than 700 5-star opinions on Google Reviews

23 September 2023


Nice water levels in the canyons of Sierra de Guara!

24 July 2023

The spring rains have re-supplied the sources of the region, so that we are lucky to have higher flows than usual in the canyons!

Do not hesitate, come see us and enjoy the refreshing water of the SIERRA DE GUARA !!!!


The entire team of Sens de l’Eau instructors

Water, and more water in the Sierra de Guara!

29 May 2023

Thank you to all the groups of the month of May for your coming and your trust. We had a perfect start to the season: decent water levels, sometimes cool temperatures but great weather, and above all super nice groups!!!

Now the storms are bringing us water and honestly that’s great news. This recharges the sources of the canyons and flourishes the fauna and flora of Sierra de Guara.

We are waiting for you to live unforgettable experiences this summer 2023: do not hesitate to book your canyoning outing via the BOOKING FORM.

Start of the season of canyoning 2023 !

7 April 2023

Nothing like a short video to officially launch the start of the 2023 canyoning season!!!

Youth conquering the canyons of Sierra de Guara!

30 January 2023

Think of your summer camps, clear images come back to you: your friends, magical moments, tastes and scents of yesteryear, games and above all life which unfolds slowly with its tragedies and emotions. These carefree moments are the result of hard and passionate work by the entertainment teams, structures and associations that work to enable young people to “go on vacation”.

For next season, we have decided to keep a special service for “young” stays at €50 per day of canyoning (except August).


Letter to our customers: Happy New Year 2023!!!!

6 January 2023

Letter to all our customers,

A year that ends, another starts.. Time does not stop but we can take it to remember the past, rewind the film and find flavors that memory treasures. This 2022 season in the heart of the Sierra de Guara will have left us with a taste for effort, patience and sharing. It has not always been easy to steer the ship, but in the end, we had so much joy and happiness in making you discover this incredible nature.

So thank you, dear and loyal customers, for following us to the bottom of these Rios to practice canyoning under the Aragon sun. Shared smiles, collective contemplations, palpable emotions, all these sensations that give us the energy and strength to continue the adventure of Le Sens de l’Eau.

And of course, thank you to the instructors and secretary, above all friends, who help me realize this little childhood dream. Planted on the edge of the Mascun, my gaze planted on ocher and overhanging cliffs 27 years ago, I dreamed that this setting would become the daily life of a summer season.

Thank you to my partners, my friends, who follow me again and again in this crazy adventure, Pierre-Ju, Nico, thank you!

And it is with a touch of emotion that this parenthesis closes, of a season that will have been one of the best. But I’m starting to think that the next one will be even better… In any case, we are waiting for you in 2023, to discover or re-discover the canyons of the Sierra de Guara.

Happy new year !


Offer an unforgettable trip!

5 December 2022

The new gift cards to offer for the next 2023 canyoning season!

Contact us: via the contact form

The 2022 canyoning season is coming to an end!

30 September 2022

Discover the Sierra de Guara … in a converted van!

24 June 2022

Le sens de l’eau is proud to announce 2 new partnerships with small local outfitted vehicle rental companies.

> BIARRITZ VAN, ridden by Lionel who himself came to test our activities last summer. Discover his road trip to the Sierra canyons:

> Departing from Toulouse, VA VIS VAN is also a small motorhome rental company. Here is the article we wrote for them:

Do not hesitate to tell us if you come with their vehicles, we will send them a small photo!!!

Photo report on the raptors of Sierra de Guara by Sam

21 June 2022

The FONDO AMIGOS DEL BUITRE association in Santa Cilia offers small ornithological excursions to observe the large raptors of Sierra de Guara. Manuel made us discover his passion for these little-known birds of prey and yet first inhabitants of the cliffs of Guara. In addition to the famous Griffon Vultures, we were also able to see an Egyptian Egyptian Vulture, a Black Vulture and a Bearded Vulture!!


Photos :


Plus d’infos :


Canyons for spring!

13 May 2022

When the summer classics are impracticable due to water levels, nothing better to discover the star canyons of spring:

Discoveries & sensations in the fabulous FORMIGA: intense and very playful descent of this canyon in a gorge of conglomerate. This classic is all the more interesting in the spring because its slightly stronger than usual flow gives a sensational and sporty side to this canyon. The slides become almost ejectable and the waterfalls are more impressive. In short, re-discover the Formiga!

Adventures & endurance in the mythical MASCUN: take the path of the canyoning pioneers who ascended the canyon more than 45 years ago. This time, we will just go down it, from perched basins to suspended basins, discovering landscapes each more magical than the next. Lots of rappels, a few technical jumps and above all very long, the Mascun offers an unforgettable outing, tailored for an expert canyoning audience.

Official opening LE SENS DE L’EAU 2022

13 April 2022

Ready, Set ….

We open the canyoning antenna this Wednesday, April 20. Already many groups have booked their outing! Do not hesitate any longer, contact us to organize your next stay in Sierra de Guara!

Sam on 00 33 7 84 38 39 81

2022 Gift Cards!

11 December 2021

Offer a trip, a promise, a homecoming… For the next canyoning season from May 1 to September 30, a gift voucher in the amount of your choice for activities in Sierra de Guara or in the Jura, with the team of Sense of Water.




End of the 2021 canyoning season!

11 December 2021

TF1 in Sierra de Guara with Le Sens de l’Eau

11 December 2021

Report broadcast on Monday 23 August on the Sierra de Guara region, in partnership with LE SENS DE L’EAU (for the “canyoning” part).

DÉSIR D’EAU, a new video “The Meaning of Water”

11 December 2021

Season 2021 : let’s go !

18 May 2021

Back to basics …

After a few bends, the landscape changes. Slowly, the road climbs and winds along the spine of the Barranco Fondo pass, direction: Les gorges du Mascun. Suddenly, the village appears. Rodellar, perched on its hill at the end of the road, is a gateway to nature. The vehicle stops, body and mind begin their journey.

We are preparing the canyoning equipment, we will need a neoprene suit, a helmet, a harness and fresh envy. This is how one of the first groups of the season arrives. They made the trip from Bordeaux and are happy to finally be able to stretch their legs on the winding paths of the Sierra de Guara. They are lucky, the weather is perfect, the water is crystal clear and there aren’t many people in the canyons.

We, the instructors, are happy !! Because we know that chemistry will take, that the Sierra de Guara never misses an appointment and that it always surprises, even when we know it by heart. We are happy to do our job as best we can, we are happy to see you soon by our side to admire the beauty of this powerful and incredible nature.

Discover le “Petit Mascun”

18 April 2021

Happy new year 2021 !!!

21 January 2021

The Mascun with Caroline Minvielle

19 July 2020

We descended the MASCUN Supérieur at the beginning of July 2020 in tribute to Pierre MINVIELLE: Recognized speleologist and first explorer of the most impressive canyons of Sierra de Guara, Pierre MINVIELLE is one of the pioneers of our activity. I was often inspired by his writings full of poetry, especially in his book “The Forgotten Sierra”. True lover of these mysterious gorges and the inhabitants of remote villages, he made the first epic ascents of the Rio Vero or the Mascun Superior.

In tribute to her work, we accompanied her daughter Caroline MINVIELLE in this legendary canyon that she had never crossed …

Thanks to her .. Thanks to Max for handling the strings !!!

“Besoin d’Air”: a new video from Le Sens de l’Eau

19 July 2020

The rock’n’roll video created during confinement in 2020, a condensed energy for maximum jumps in the canyons of Sierra de Guara in Spain!

Le Sens de l’Eau awaits you for July 2020!

24 May 2020

After the Spanish Prime Minister’s announcements for the end of the Covid-19 crisis, we are happy to inform you that the canyoning antenna in Sierra de Guara will open in early July 2020!

To celebrate, here is a little bit of NATURE: the first “nature clip” to instantly immerse yourself in the decor of SIERA DE GUARA and JURA. If you want to discover the other 4 nature clips, log on to our Facebook or Instagram. We will publish them throughout the month of June


FACEBOOK / le sens de l’eau


INSTAGRAM / le sens de l’eau

Back to the great outdoors !!!

23 March 2020

We hope from spring 2020 to be able to enjoy with you the great outdoors of the Sierra de Guara.

Le Sens de l’Eau particularly thanks the medical teams who are currently fighting against the coronavirus, BRAVO !

France-voyage, a new partner of the Sense of Water

14 February 2020

We are constantly looking for new quality partnerships to offer you the best of our services, here is one of them: is a travel guide offering 3 million pages dealing with tourism in France in 10 languages.

Friendly and easy to use, the site welcomes more than 21 million visitors each year who come to seek practical and cultural information to prepare their next trip well.

Excellent year 2020 !!!!

14 February 2020

From the Sierra de Guara to the Jura, there is only one step! Nicolas realized it and is now working on the magnificent via ferrata and in the secret canyons of this region so little known and so beautiful.

This new year 2020 will be magnificent, we are waiting for you in Sierra and in the Jura, for new adventures !!!!

Le sens de l’eau

Le sens de l’eau

The newspaper LE MONDE talks about RIO VERO!

14 February 2020

Super article from the newspaper Le Monde on the Alquezar and Ainsa region to discover on the web and in the last magazine n ° 423 of October 2019!

The whole Sens de l’Eau team thanks them for calling us for information on canyoning in the RIO VERO !!! 👍

End of season 2019, THANK YOU to all our customers

14 February 2020

La Péonéra by photographer Charles Perrin

14 February 2020

Charles Perrin, graphic designer and photographer, accompanied us in one of the most famous canyons of the Sierra de Guara. Guillaume the monitor is ready to play, here is his selection of images !!!

Canyoning in the JURA: VIDEO!

14 February 2020

On the occasion of the opening of the new canyoning & via ferrata branch in Saint-Claude in the Jura, we made a short video presentation of the aquatic canyons in the region.   Nico will now be the specialist instructor for the Jura canyons, visit him!

The Sense of Water invents the PRESTIGE Option

14 February 2020

An “à la carte” canyoning product, where you will be alone with your guide, to fully enjoy with family or lovers the natural wonders of the Sierra de Guara. The “prestige canyon” option allows us to design a service that is closer and more selective than a conventional reservation.

If you want the exclusivity of our attention, this option is for you!

Contact us

• By phone :  00 33 7 84 38 39 81



My name is Sam, coordinator and instructor at Le Sens de l’Eau and I will be happy to answer your questions as clearly as possible.

We usually answer all your message within 24 hours.


If you don’t get news from us please check your junk box or contact us directly by phone.

• By email :